201 research outputs found

    Breaking the Legend: Maxmin Fairness notion is no longer effective

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    In this paper we analytically propose an alternative approach to achieve better fairness in scheduling mechanisms which could provide better quality of service particularly for real time application. Our proposal oppose the allocation of the bandwidth which adopted by all previous scheduling mechanism. It rather adopt the opposition approach be proposing the notion of Maxmin-charge which fairly distribute the congestion. Furthermore, analytical proposition of novel mechanism named as Just Queueing is been demonstrated.Comment: 8 Page

    IPv6 mobility support for real-time multimedia communications: A survey

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    Mobile Internet protocol version 6(MIPv6) route optimization improves triangular routing problem that exists in MIPv4 environment.Route optimization of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over MIPv6 provides ef�cient real-time multimedia applications to users. This article provides a survey of SIP over MIPv6. We review the processes involved during the setting up of a SIP call and during mid-call SIP mobility. When SIP transmits real-time multimedia applications in a wireless environment, the mobile node (MN) may move from one access router (AR) to another AR, handing over control from one AR to the other. High handover latency degrades the quality of real-time multimedia applications due to the fact that real-time multimedia applications are delay-sensitive.Handover latency is an important issue to discuss.Reduction of handover latency can be made possible with the use of SIP's hierarchical registration. On the other hand, hybrid hierarchical and fast handover SIP's registration performs better compared to hierarchical registration. Finally, we present the directions for future research

    A quantitative analysis and performance study of fast congestion notification (FN) mechanism

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    Congestion in computer network happens when the number of transmission requests exceeds the transmission capacity at a certain network point (called a bottle-neck resource) at a specific time. Congestion usually causes buffers overflow and packets loss. The purpose of congestion management is to maintain a balance between the transmission requests and the transmission capacity so that the bottle-neck resources operate on an optimal level, and the sources are offered service in a way that assures fairness. Fast Congestion Notification (FN) is one of the proactive queue management mechanisms that limits the queuing delay and achieves the maximum link utilization possible with minimum packet drops. In this paper we present a detailed performance comparison of the Linear FN algorithm to RED based on the results obtained through simulations. The paper shows how FN can be tuned for different window size (Ws) and periods of time constant (T) to achieve higher link utilization; reduce the queuing delay, and lower packet drop ratio

    Tuning random early detection router mechanism for TCP-friendliness

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    The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has strongly recommended the use of the Random Early Detection (RED) active queue management mechanism in network routers (gateways) for controlling Internet congestion. In this article, we describe our experiences with RED parameters from OUT study on how the TCP-friendliness property of a rate-based congestion control protocol is affected by different parameterizations of RED. We explore a range of optimal RED parameter values for ensuring the TCP-friendliness of competing network connections. Our experimental results show that different RED parameterization does affect the TCP-friendliness of rate-based control protocol. We also argue that an appropriate tuning of RED gateway can significantly improve the TCP-friendliness of rate-based congestion control protocol

    The Uniformization Process of the Fast Congestion Notification (FN)

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    Fast Congestion Notification (FN) is one of the proactive queue management mechanisms that practices congestion avoidance to help avoid the beginning of congestion by marking or dropping packets before the routers queue gets full; and exercises congestion control, when congestion avoidance fails, by increasing the rate of packet marking or dropping. Technically, FN avoids the queue overflows by controlling the instantaneous queue size below the optimal queue size, and control congestion by keeping the average arrival rate close to the outgoing link capacity. Upon arrival of each packet, FN uses the instantaneous queue size and the average arrival rate to calculate the packet marking or dropping probability. FN marks or drops packets at fairly regular intervals to avoid long intermarking intervals and clustered packet marks or drops. Too many marked or dropped packets close together can cause global synchronization, and also too long packet intermarking times between marked or dropped packets can cause large queue sizes and congestion. This paper shows how FN controls the queue size, avoids congestion, and reduces global synchronization by uniformizing marked or dropped packet intervals.Comment: 5 Pages IEEE format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS 2009, ISSN 1947 5500,Impact Factor 0.423, http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis

    Robust multi-dimensional trust computing mechanism for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing has become the most promising way of purchasing computing resources over the Internet.The main advantage of .cloud computing is its economic advantages over the traditional computing resource provisioning.For cloud computing to become acceptable to wider audience, it is necessary to maintain the quality of service (QoS) commitments specified in the service level agreement.In this paper, the authors propose a robust multi-level trust computing mechanism that can be used to track the performance of cloud systems using multiple QoS attributes.In addition, tests carried out show that the proposed mechanism is more robust than the ones published in the literature

    A dynamic replication strategy based on exponential growth/decay rate

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    Data Grid is an infrastructure that manages huge amount of data files, and provides intensive computational resources across geographically distributed collaboration.To increase resource availability and to ease resource sharing in such environment, there is a need for replication services.Data replication is one of the methods used to improve the performance of data access in distributed systems.In this paper, we include issues arising in data replication domain and also we propose a dynamic replication strategy that is based on exponential growth or decay rate. The purpose of the proposed strategy is to identify which files to be replicated.This is achieved by estimating number of accessed of a file in the upcoming time interval.The greater the value, the more popular the file is and therefore will be selected to be replicate

    TCP-friendliness of rate-based congestion control protocols

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    The main purpose of rate-based TCP-friendly congestion control protocols is to ensure that the application's traffic shares the network in a fairly and friendly manner with the dominant TCP traffic.In this work, we compare the performance of two rate-based TCP-friendly congestion control protocols, namely the rate adaptation protocol (RAP) and TCP-friendly rate control protocol (TFRC). Our experimental results reveal that the equation-based TFRC is able to achieve throughput that is close to the throughput of a TCP connection using the same network path under the same network conditions.Also, the results demonstrate that the TFRC is friendlier and robust in most of our experiments, as compared to RAP

    A dynamic replica creation: Which file to replicate?

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    Data Grid is an infrastructure that manages huge amount of data files and provides intensive computational resources across geographically distributed collaboration.To increase resource availability and to ease resource sharing in such environment, there is a need for replication services.Data replication is one of the methods used to improve the performance of data access in distributed systems.In this paper, we propose a dynamic replication strategy that is based on exponential growth or decay rate and dependency level of data files (EXPM).Simulation results (via Optorsim) show that EXPM outperformed LALW in the measured metrics – mean job execution time, effective network usage and average storage usage
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